ASTM D 1587 – 00 – Standard Practice for Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Soils for Geotechnical Purposes
ASTM D 1587 – 00 – Phương pháp lấy mẫu đất sử dụng ống thành mỏng
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1587; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
This practice covers a procedure for using a thin-walled metal tube to recover relatively undisturbed soil samples
suitable for laboratory tests of engineering properties, such as strength, compressibility, permeability, and density. Thinwalled tubes used in piston, plug, or rotary-type samplers should comply with Section 6.3 of this practice which describes the thin-walled tubes.
This Practice is limited to soils that can be penetrated by the thin-walled tube. This sampling method is not recommended for sampling soils containing gravel or larger size soil particles cemented or very hard soils. Other soil samplers may be used for sampling these soil types.
This practice is often used in conjunction with fluid rotary drilling (D 1452D 5783) or hollow-stem augers (D 6151)
A relatively undisturbed sample is obtained by pressing a thin-walled metal tube into the in-situ soil at the bottom of a boring, removing the soil-filled tube, and applying seals to the soil surfaces to prevent soil movement and moisture gain or loss.
ASTM D5187 Standard Practice for Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Soils, Lấy mẫu đất thí nghiệm
6.1 Drilling Equipment – When sampling in a boring, any drilling equipment may be used that provides a reasonably clean hole; that minimizes disturbance of the soil to be sampled; and that does not hinder the penetration of the thin-walled sampler. Open borehole diameter and the inside diameter of driven casing or hollow stem auger shall not exceed 3.5 times the outside diameter of the thin-walled tube.
6.2 Sampler Insertion Equipment, shall be adequate to provide a relatively rapid continuous penetration force. For hard formations it may be necessary, although not recommended, to drive the thin-walled tube sampler.
6.3 Thin-Walled Tubes, should be manufactured to the dimensions as shown in Fig. 1. They should have an outside diameter of 2 to 5 in. (50 to 130 mm) and be made of metal having adequate strength for the type of soil to be sampled.
Tubes shall be clean and free of all surface irregularities including projecting weld seams. Other diameters may be used but the tube dimensions should be proportional to the tube designs presented here
6.4 Sampler Head, serves to couple the thin-walled tube to the insertion equipment and, together with the thin-walled tube comprises the thin-walled tube sampler.
ASTM D5187 Standard Practice for Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Soils, Lấy mẫu đất thí nghiệm bằng ống thành mỏng
7.1 Remove loose material from the center of a casing or hollow stem auger as carefully as possible to avoid disturbance of the material to be sampled. If groundwater is encountered, maintain the liquid level in the borehole at or above ground water level during the drilling and sampling operation.
7.2 Bottom discharge bits are not permitted. Side discharge bits may be used, with caution. Jetting through an open-tube sampler to clean out the borehole to sampling elevation is not permitted
7.3 Lower the sampling apparatus so that the sample tube’s bottom rests on the bottom of the hole and record depth to the bottom of the sample tube to the nearest 0.1-ft (.03 m)
Keep the sampling apparatus plumb during lowering, thereby preventing the cutting edge of the tube from scraping the wall of the borehole.
7.4 Advance the sampler without rotation by a continuous relatively rapid downward motion and record length of advancement to the nearest 1 in. (25 mm).
7.5 When the soil formation is too hard for push-type insertion, the tube may be driven or Practice D 3550 may be
7.6 Withdraw the sampler from the soil formation as carefully as possible in order to minimize disturbance of the
Sample Measurement, Sealing and Labeling
8.1 Upon removal of the tube, remove the drill cuttings in the upper end of the tube and measure the length of the soil sample recovered to the nearest 0.25 in. (5 mm) in the tube.
8.2 Prepare and immediately affix labels or apply markings as necessary to identify the sample (see Section 9). Assure that the markings or labels are adequate to survive transportation and storage.
ASTM D5187 Standard Practice for Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Soils, Lấy mẫu đất thí nghiệm
Field Log
9.1 Record the information that may be required for preparing field logs in general accordance to ASTM D 5434 “Guide for Field Logging of Subsurface Explorations of Soil and Rock”. This guide is used for logging explorations by drilling and sampling. Some examples of the information required include;
9.1.1 Name and location of the project,
9.1.2 Boring number,
9.1.3 Log of the soil conditions,
9.1.4 Surface elevation or reference to a datum to the nearest foot (0.5 m) or better,
9.1.5 Location of the boring,
9.1.6 Method of making the borehole,
9.1.7 Name of the drilling foreman and company, and
9.1.8 Name of the drilling inspector(s).
9.1.9 Date and time of boring-start and finish,
9.1.10 Depth to groundwater level: date and time measured,
9.2 Recording the appropriate sampling information is required as follows:
9.2.1 Depth to top of sample to the nearest 0.1 ft. (.03 m) and number of sample,
9.2.2 Description of thin-walled tube sampler: size, type of metal, type of coating,
9.2.3 Method of sampler insertion: push or drive,
9.2.4 Method of drilling, size of hole, casing, and drilling fluid used,
9.2.5 Soil description in accordance with Practice D 2488,
9.2.6 Length of sampler advance (push), and
9.2.7 Recovery: length of sample obtained.
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